Video: Authenticate 2020: Account Recovery Best Practices
Speakers: David Turner, Christiaan Brand, Hidehito Gomi, Abbie Barbir, Robyn Hicock
Speakers: David Turner, FIDO Alliance, Christiaan Brand, Google, Hidehito Gomi, Yahoo! JAPAN Research and Abbie Barbir, Aetna and Robyn Hicock, Microsoft
Ongoing regulatory and security imperatives are driving rapid adoption of strong authentication mechanisms to help protect user accounts. While this stands to greatly reduce fraud and protect the integrity of our networked economy, it does present new challenges in regards to how users manage their accounts – and in particular if they lose and need to regain access to account credentials that are dependent on possession-based authentication. This session will start with an overview on some of FIDO Alliance’s recommendations for account recovery, then will look into how FIDO’s emerging work in identity verification & binding will help address the challenge, and finally will wrap-up with a panel discussion where various relying parties will explain compare strategies for handling account recovery for their customers.