Bring FIDO to ON-Premise IT and Circulation Industry 企業內部 IT 及 流通業的 FIDO 應用
Dec 10, 2021
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FIDO is good and getting hot, but most adopting to cloud base applications so far; AuthenTrend is bringing FIDO base Passwordless solution for both Cloud and on-premise IT environment (Active Directory) for strong security plus convenience for both users and IT admin.
NEC Taiwan is partner with AuthenTrend enabling FIDO solution to circulation industry for security with efficiency.
FIDO 越來越熱門,但目前大多數採用雲基礎應用程序;AuthenTrend 為雲和本地 IT 環境 (Active Directory) 帶來基於 FIDO 的無密碼解決方案,為用戶和 IT 管理員提供強大的安全性和便利性。 NEC Taiwan 與 AuthenTrend 合作,為流通行業提供 FIDO 解決方案,以提高安全性和效率。