David Brossard
CTO , Axiomatics
David is the CTO at Axiomatics, the leaders in fine-grained authorization. Previously he was the Senior Director of Identity Product Management at Salesforce where he drove the design and development of Salesforce’s Identity offering including CIAM and Enterprise Identity. David’s main focus is identity & access management and API security. David has published several papers and contributed to several books on API security, identity, and attribute-based access control. David is also a contributor to several identity standards including OpenID AuthZEN, OAuth, ALFA, and XACML where he drove standardization efforts for developers on attribute-based access control (ABAC). David is a regular speaker at conferences including Identiverse, Gartner IAM summits, and the European Identity Conference. David holds an M.Eng from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon. He is a Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (yes he’s that old) and a Certified Security Testing Professional. David maintains a blog on identity and access at http://www.webfarmr.eu