Brenda Hu 胡則華
Director-General 執行秘書 , Financial Supervisory Commission 金管會金融科技發展與創新中心
Ms. Brenda Hu is Director-General in Department of Planning and Executive-Secretary of the Fintech Center, Financial Supervisory Commission. She takes charge of planning overall policies and strategies of the FSC and coordinating relevant implementation. Major policies under her current responsibilities include Green Finance Action Plan, Fintech Development Roadmap, and financial inclusion projects. She also supervises the work of gender equality in financial industry, administrative plans, fintech development services carried out by the Fintech Center such as giving guidance and advice to startups aiming to use fintech to provide services in the market, reviewing applications for regulatory sandbox, making sure smooth operation of the FintechSpace (incubator), and promoting fintech related policies and measures to maintain a friendly ecosystem.
Before those roles, she was Assistant Director of the Corporate Finance Division in the Securities and Futures Bureau, FSC. Her prime responsibility was to review and propose policies on the corporate governance and social responsibility of listed companies. She was also in charge of reviewing and giving advices on fund-raising cases submitted by listed companies for effective registration, following up their financial and operational status, and safeguarding market integrity and shareholder rights. Ms. Hu has overseen listed companies, securities firms, futures commission merchants, and foreign banks for 20 years. She helped the market to grow by deregulation and completed legislations governing futures trust funds, offshore structured products and financial consumer protection. Her commitment to internationalize the market also brings the commission and exchanges to actively participate in various international organizations and to closely collaborate with foreign regulators.