Christine Owen
Field CTO , 1Kosmos
Christine is a recovering attorney who found solace in consulting on Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Zero Trust. She is interested in securing people, things, applications, devices, and the cloud. As a Director at Guidehouse, Christine supports her clients’ visions of Zero Trust by advising them on enterprise IAM best practices. In her free time, Christine likes to go to wineries with her gumpy old Westie, Chauncey.
So, What Does the U.S. Government Think About FIDO Authentication?
Jeremy A. Grant
Managing Director, Technology Business Strategy Venable LLP
Courtney Rasey
Deputy Director of Identity Assurancem IRS
Kenneth Myers
Director of the Identity Assurance and Trusted Access Division U.S. General Services Administration
Christine Owen
Field CTO 1Kosmos
Ryan Galluzzo
Digital Identity Program Lead, Applied Cybersecurity Division NIST
Buzzword or Solid Cybersecurity Strategy? Considerations for Zero Trust Implementation
Jeremy A. Grant
Managing Director, Technology Business Strategy Venable LLP
Brian Martin
VP of Product Architecture Gradient Technologies
Jeremiah Mason
SVP for Product AuthID
Christine Owen
Field CTO 1Kosmos
Modernizing Healthcare Identity and Authentication: How Do We Get There?
Jeremy A. Grant
Managing Director, Technology Business Strategy Venable LLP
Christine Owen
Field CTO 1Kosmos
Authentication – The Key Ingredient in your Zero Trust Strategy
Karen Larson
Consultant Self Employed
Jamie Danker
Senior Director Privacy Services Venable LLP
Christine Owen
Field CTO 1Kosmos
Megan Shamas
Chief Marketing Officer FIDO Alliance
Liz Votaw
Identity & Authentication Consultant